Career Coaching

Career Coaching: Discover your Next Steps

Lost your sense of fulfilment at work? A career coach can get you back on track.

It's easy to drift through life from one job to the next without ever really achieving a sense of fulfilment in your career.

A temporary job turns into permanency. An internal promotion puts you in a managerial seat. Or a change of location means you need to find a job closer to home.

While your job might be ticking all the extrinsic boxes and offer everything you need to ‘get by’, it's incredibly easy to end up in a career that doesn't provide you with the intrinsic rewards, like a sense of purpose, or the ability to progress.

In this case, it’s easy to end up running on autopilot. There’s no enthusiasm or excitement about your work, you’re merely going through the motions counting down till your next day off. This apathy for work is completely demotivating.

While bills are getting paid, many consider themselves lucky to be earning an income at all in our current economic climate. However, if you're working in a career that doesn't align with your core values and beliefs, or you're struggling to identify what you want to do next, this internal dissatisfaction you’re experiencing in regard to your career can extend into every single area of your life. 

Lacking Career Direction?

Sadly, lacking career direction can cause:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Lack of confidence
  • Loss of identity

These are all symptoms which will ultimately have a detrimental impact on your overall health, wellbeing, and relationships.

It's easy to drift and work in a job that's ‘OK' but truly, you deserve a career that lights you up on the inside.

You deserve a career that you're passionate about, and that you'll excel in.

And you deserve a career that will bring peace, positivity and meaning, into every area of your life.

A career coach can help you do all of those things, and more.

What is a Career Coach?

Career coaching is a creative process of discovery where you and your career coach come together to help clarify your goals and set you on the path to finding true career alignment.

Career coaches provide a supportive, neutral, and productive coaching relationship to help you maximise your potential in both a professional and personal capacity, while holding you accountable. A career coach can partner with you if you want to excel in your current career, or if you are seeking out a new career choice.

Business leaders, small business owners, managers, and employees at any levels of an organisation who are interested in finding a new direction, developing leadership skills, enhancing networking and relationship skills, or receiving support and guidance through a career transition will all benefit from engaging with a career coach.

One-to-one career coaching sessions are conducted on Skype, face-to-face, or over the telephone.

How can a Career Coach help me?

If you're wondering if seeing a career coach is for you, here are some benefits of working with a career coach:

Transform 'imposter syndrome'

If you spend your days imagining that one day there’ll be a tap on your shoulder from your boss, telling you that you're not cut out for the position you're in, consider career coaching.

It is possible to reshape your thought processes regarding your capabilities in the workplace, learn techniques that will help you believe in yourself, and truly flourish in your existing role.

Grow your self-belief and confidence

From a young age, it's easy to become conditioned to the type of career we ‘should' end up in.

Parents, teachers, and peers will all draw on our strengths and weaknesses and can ultimately shape our future.

Perhaps your father believed that manual jobs were for boys. Perhaps you excelled at a sport like I did and were given opportunities to turn your hobby into a profession. Or maybe, a well-meaning but misguided teacher prevented you from following the childhood dreams that bubbled away in your school years instead of persuading you to a more ‘sensible' career.

Advice and guidance instilled from those around you can end up destroying your confidence, and, before you know it, 20 years have passed and you're in a career you don't love, lacking clarity and direction.

Career coaching will help you regain the self-belief and confidence you once had in yourself before those around you, often innocently, moulded you into who you’ve ultimately become.

Get clarity on career direction

It's easy to fall into the trap of 'running on autopilot' when it comes to going to work because it's close to home, pays good money, or because it's what you've always known.

But what if you want more than that?

Career coaching will help you understand your bigger purpose and can identify a career or role that better suits your intrinsic needs. A career coach will work with you to devise a plan of action to keep you accountable and help you take the first steps in your journey towards a career you’ll want to excel in.

Creating balance and harmony between life and career

No more Sunday night dread. No more counting down the days until the holidays. And no more fear on the way to work during your morning commute.

While we all strive for work-life balance, it's entirely possible to work in a career that doesn't make you tired, exhausted and anxious. While you may not have to work any less, working with a career coach and identifying a position that you're passionate about, will help you jump out of bed in the morning excited to get to work every day.

Discover your unique strengths

We all have our own unique strengths and attributes. While it might be evident to you or those around you that you excel in particular areas (such as good organisational or communication skills); a career coach will identify how all your qualities work in collaboration with each other to identify unique opportunities suited to you.

In addition, a career coach will also provide strategies and techniques on how to make improvements in your areas of weakness and help you choose roles best suited to your qualities.

A career coach will also help you in the following areas:

  • Managing stress effectively
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Developing self-management strategies (e.g. time and energy management)
  • Building effective relationships at work
  • Developing emotional intelligence
  • Managing a change in your role at work.

Do I Need a Career Coach?

Perhaps you're already in your ideal job but you need to learn some strategies to help you achieve the great things you desire.

Maybe you know exactly what you want to do but you've gotten lost along the way and no longer know how to get there.

Or perhaps, like many others, you’re unsettled but not sure what to do next and need some help and guidance to help you redefine your career goals.

Consider working with a career coach if:

  • You wake up every day dreading the thought of another day at work
  • You lack direction and you don't know which way to turn
  • You don't have a sense of achievement or purpose at work
  • You have work-related anxiety
  • You're waiting for someone to expose you as a fraud even though you're perfectly qualified to do your job
  • You've reached the top of the career ladder in your existing career, but you still have more to give in your profession
  • You feel undervalued and you're not reaching your potential
  • Your existing job/role doesn't align with your core values
  • You're unfulfilled at work and/or at home

Why Choose Jane Taylor's Career Coaching?

Your career choice impacts your overall happiness and well-being and I know that better than anyone.

Spending the beginning of my career as a professional tennis player, when I retired, I changed careers to a health and physical education teacher. I then went on to work for MindMatters and now own a thriving health and wellness business.

Along with my tertiary qualifications, it's through making significant changes in my own career that I’ve identified the importance of aligning my career with my values and beliefs and recognised how crucial it is to be happy at work.

I’ve taken consistent steps to evolve my profession into a career that fulfils me in every area of my life, and now I want to help you do the same.

Find out more about my career coaching and and how I approach to one-to-one coaching to get the best results for you. Book a FREE 15-minute clarity call here.

Apply for an Introductory 15-Minute Clarity Chat today!

Start today by booking a 15-Minute Clarity Chat.

Find more out more about me and my approach here.

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Client Feedback

"Great! Thanks. I feel positive to continue on my life journey knowing what I can work on to continue to have success in life." - School Principal

"Can see myself using all of these skills. Great leadership and facilitating a comfortable/safe space Jane." - Teacher, Brisbane

Click here to read more feedback.

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