Getting Better not Bitter!

Life has given me many opportunities as well as allowing me to experience many things. I have been fortunate enough to work as a tennis player, teacher, career coach, counsellor and speaker. Throughout each of these professions, I have had my own life experiences and I have also seen first-hand what life can do to people and the adversity people experience.

I have observed what drugs and addictive behaviours can do to people. As well as watch what abuse, cruelty, burnout, obsession, uncontrolled spending and midlife crisis’s can do to individuals and families.

Throughout these experiences, I have seen people broken by their despair and adversity. I have also seen those people who have accepted their experiences, embraced their vulnerabilities and subsequently risen courageously from their experiences. People who have become better not bitter!

How do these people turn their challenges or crises in to fuel for positive change? Whilst others feel beaten by their challenges and become angry, resentful and victimised?

There are many traits I have observed in these people who become better, not bitter from their crisis and challenges. 7 characteristics of these resilient people include –

  1. They embrace responsibility. They take the time to identify how they contributed to the situation or experience and learn from it. They consciously choose NOT to play the victim game.
  2. They ask for help. They reach out for support when they need it and accept it.
  3. They learn to embody self-compassion (and not self-hatred). They realise they are human and will make mistakes. Subsequently, they embody their humanity, practice self-forgiveness and learn from their experiences.
  4. They practice emotional intelligence. They learn to listen to, accept and learn from their feelings instead of resisting them.
  5. They adopt a growth mindset. They have a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset, so they can embrace challenges, learn from criticism, persist in the face of setbacks and find lessons and inspiration from others.
  6. They know what is within their control and what is not. They then let go and accept what is not in their control and focus on what they can control.
  7. They know their boundaries. They know where they begin and others end. They keep compassion and empathy alive in their life and tune out to gossip, negativity and cruel judgments other people make about them.

Are there any other characteristics you would add for people who are rising strong and flowing towards better, not bitter? If so, what are they? Feel free to share them below or on our Facebook page.

Remember – we all have a choice on this adventure called life and here is a nice reminder of that from Rumi called “The Guest House” 🙂



This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out

for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.

meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.

– Jelaluddin Rumi, translation by Coleman Barks


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  • Leonie

    Reply Reply August 3, 2016

    I would add gratitude. Mindful gratitude for what is ‘here and now’ has brought me through a traumatic experience that could have left me broken and bitter.
    Mindfulness, I might add that I first began to learn in one of your eight week workshops Jane. So I am grateful for your experience and knowledge as well. 🙂

    • Jane

      Reply Reply August 3, 2016

      Thank you Leonie for sharing your insights. Definitely agree with you about mindful gratitude. Hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself. Warm wishes to you 🙂 xx

  • Joshua

    Reply Reply July 8, 2016

    Life has many paths, offen we are on paths of not are choice but these paths can be life learning and end up enriching us more. Life is for living not always easy but accept and move on rather than be pulled down by what you have no control over. Embrace the moments and truly be.

    • Jane

      Reply Reply July 9, 2016

      Thanks Joshua for sharing your thoughts – yes agree life can be challenging, however it is important to know we can get through these challenges (event though sometimes we may not think we can) 🙂

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