Starting to Untangle from a Continual Sense of Lack

Welcome to Day 4 of the Untangling Draining Habits challenge.

Over 7 days, we are bringing awareness to different habits that cause undue stress or anxiety in our lives. At the end of the each post, we share with you one simple step you can take to start to untangle from the draining habit.

So far we have brought awareness to OvercommitmentBlame and Self-Doubt.

Today we are going to focus on the habit of a continual sense of lack.

Draining Habit #4: A Continual Sense of Lack

Most of us think there is something lacking in our lives.

Not enough money in the bank. Not enough food to go around.

Or maybe even thinking you are not enough…

Not pretty enough. Not smart enough. Not funny enough. Not fit or healthy enough.  Or maybe not enough recognition.

I think you get the drift.

There are many ways to transform this habit of a continual sense of lack, however I am going to share one, and that is…

Realising you already have enough.

Challenge: Starting to Untangle from a Continual Sense of Lack –

At some stage during your day, stop and sit down for 5 minutes. In your journal or on a piece of paper, finish the following sentence. I have enough…

Write for the full five minutes and if you stop, dig deeper as I am sure you can find at least 60 things that you have enough of. Some examples could include – I have enough water to drink, I have enough clothes to wear, I have enough books to read, I have enough friends who care about me.

You get the drift!

Keep us posted on your progress below in the comments section or on our Facebook page here.


If you are ready to take yourself on the adventure of getting to know yourself (your true self), why not join the Toolkit? A place where I share tools, inspiration and ideas to live a courageous and openhearted life.


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