Time to Make a Whole-Hearted Promise to YOU?

Feel something deeper is calling you? Are you sick and tired of coming down the priority list and giving your power away? Do you have a change you want to make in your personal or professional life (big or small), a project or idea that you are ready to create? Is it time to embrace…

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Trust and the Marble Jar

This past week, I had a situation in which my “marble jar” became empty. I am not going to share any details about the situation as it is not appropriate. I also don’t want to break the thing I am going to be writing about – trust. In the particular situation, something didn’t feel right…

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Living Your Greatness Whole-Heartedly!

You know when you get that ‘ah-ha’ moment of clarity and life starts to make sense? It’s like you are called from something deep within you to go on a search, you face your fears and your resilience is tested over and over again and then little by little clarity arrives and you can see…

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9 Effective Communication Skills

The ability to communicate effectively is an essential skill in today’s world. Communication is a dynamic process and how you communicate can positively and negatively affect the relationships you have in your work and life. In today’s post, I will be covering – What is Communication? 5 Barriers to Effective Communication 9 Effective Communication Skills   What is…

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Brené Brown: Why Your Critics Aren’t The Ones Who Count

I just returned from presenting the Investing in YOU workshop in Rockhampton. As much as I love doing workshops and sharing my experiences of life, there is a part of presenting that has been challenging for me over the years and that is receiving feedback. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE receiving constructive feedback from people…

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The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto by Dr Brené Brown

In the book Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead, Dr Brené Brown, refers to the Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto. After reading the manifesto I thought I would share it as it relates to many areas of wellbeing (i.e. gratitude, worthiness, belonging, vulnerability and respect) I…

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The Daring Greatly Leadership Manifesto by Dr Brené Brown

In the book Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Dr Brené Brown, Brené refers to the Daring Greatly Leadership Manifesto. The manifesto came about after many interviews Brené had done and links to the questions – “What do we want people to know…

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