The Chinese Bamboo Story – A Lesson in Patience

Do you ever feel as though you have been waiting so long for something it happen and it still hasn’t happened? Don’t worry, I can relate!

I am not sure about you, but one of the challenging things for me in life has been learning or embodying the lesson of patience. I am not sure what it is – if it is the instantaneous world in which we live or something else, however patience has been a BIG lesson for me. Over the years, I have come to realise there is a flow to life and the more I go with it, the better off I am.

I came across this story again recently and found a few nice reminders in the video The Chinese Bamboo Story – A Lesson in Patience (9.15mins), so wanted to share it. I hope you enjoy the reminder as much as I did.

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  • duppydom

    Reply Reply April 1, 2019

    Thanks for sharing this story! I remember hearing it from a friend of mine. Patience is definitely the key to success. I was one of those people who hated waiting and always wanted quick results. But it is with time that I realized that everything takes time to fall in place. And just because something didn’t happen at once, doesn’t mean that it will never happen.

    • Jane

      Reply Reply April 1, 2019

      You are welcome! Yes – patience has definitely been something I have also had to re-learn 🙂 Take care.

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