The Japanese Concept ‘Ikigai’ – Helping You Discover Your Purpose in Life

‘Ikigai’ – Helping You Discover Your Purpose in Life…

What is Ikigai?

There is no direct translation in to English for the Japanese word ikigai (pronounced ee-kee-gah-ee). Iki refers to “life” and kai roughly meaning “the realisation of what one expects and hopes for.It roughly means the “a reason for being“, “the joy or goal for living” or “the reason for which you get up in the morning.” In a nutshell, it encompasses the idea that happiness and satisfaction in life is about more than a fancy job title or the money you earn.

It’s easiest to think about ikiagi as an intersection of the following:

  • What you love (your passion)
  • What you are good at (your profession)
  • What the world needs (your mission)
  • What the world can pay you for (your vocation)


Want to Discover Your Ikigai?

To help you discover your Ikigai, you can ask yourself the following four questions –

  1. What do I love?
  2. What am I good at?
  3. What can I be paid for?
  4. What does the world need?


In their book Ikigai, The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles break down the ten rules that can help people discover their own ikigai.

  1. Stay active and don’t retire,
  2. Take it slow,
  3. Eat until you are 80% full
  4. Surround yourself with good friends,
  5. Get in shape for your next birthday,
  6. Smile,
  7. Reconnect with nature,
  8. Give thanks.
  9. Live in the moment,
  10. Follow your ikigai.


Over to You…

What is the one step you could do or be today that would take you towards your ikigai? Feel free to share your response below!


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  • diana stone

    Reply Reply March 3, 2018

    i love this and just wanted to make a comment as I am surprised no one else has. Will use this in my groups. 🙂

    • Jane

      Reply Reply March 3, 2018

      Thanks Diana – take care 🙂

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