Everything (Start Here)

Welcome to the Everything Page – a simple page where you can discover the free and paid offers I have to offer 🙂

You can also click here to read my about page if you want to find out more about me and my values and virtues.

My Current Low-Cost High-Value $10USD Group Offer…

Priorities and Planning

A 5-day adventure to support you to develop a deeper understanding of your own priorities, so you can take more aligned action in your personal and professional life. 

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The Next 84 Days is for people who would like to take time to plan, focus and be more accountable to themselves, so they can transform and take courageous action towards their vision over the next 84-days in a safe and supportive environment.

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Organisation and Systems (Personal and Professional)

Feeling overwhelmed with everything you have to do? Starting to realise the cost of personal disorganisation in your life? Ready to start discovering ways to manage your self better?

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Time to start creating super simple systems in your life, without the added stress and overwhelm?

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Time to focusing on what matters most in your personal and / or professional life?

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CANVA Templates for Coaches

Ready to increase efficiency and customer care within your coaching business? The Coach’s Checklist for On-Boarding and Off-Boarding is an introductory resource to discover more about on-boarding and off-boarding as well as discover the benefits and the 4-stages of the complete on-boarding and off-boarding system.

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Looking for a System for Co-Creating a Coaching Agreement with Clients? The System is a 16-page document created in Canva. It includes –

  • 5 Templates,
  • A Checklist, and
  • An Example of a System for Co-Creating a Coaching Agreement (remember it is your business though).

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Looking for a System for Off-Boarding Coaching Clients? The System is a 24-page document created in Canva. It includes –

  • 10 Templates,
  • A Checklist for Off-Boarding Coaching Clients, and
  • An Example of a System for Off-Boarding Coaching Clients (remember it is your business though).

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Looking for a Welcome Pack for Coaching Clients designed by a coach? The Welcome Pack for Coaching Clients is a 51-page document created in Canva. It has been created in 2 parts –

  • Part 1 of the Welcome Pack is the WHY behind the pack as well as Templates with pre-written, and
  • Part 2 includes the majority of templates in Part 1, however it has been designed for you to quickly add your own branding – including your own pictures, colours, words etc.

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Looking for a Complete System for On-Boarding Clients? This system package is divided in to 4 parts –

  1. Initial Discussion for Perspective Clients (CANVA Template),
  2. Co-Creating the Coaching Agreement with Clients (CANVA Template), and
  3. Welcome Package for Clients (CANVA Template).
  4. Coaching Client Tracking Sheet (Notion Template).

Each of the above can be purchased individually (and totals $43.95USD) or you can purchase the package for $34.75USD.

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Looking for a Complete On-Boarding and Off-Boarding System for Coaching Clients? This system package is divided in to 6 parts –

  1. Initial Discussion for Perspective Clients (CANVA Template),
  2. Co-Creating the Coaching Agreement with Clients (CANVA Template), and
  3. Welcome Package for Clients (CANVA Template),
  4. Systems and Processes for Managing and Supporting Coaching Clients (CANVA Template),
  5. Coaching Client Tracking Sheet (Notion Template),
  6. Templates for Coaching Clients (CANVA Template),
  7. System for Off-Boarding Coaching Clients (CANVA Template).

Each of the above can be purchased individually (and totals $70.75USD) or you can purchase the package for $47USD.

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Direct Access to Jane

Lead from Within supports and guides you to achieve your goals, navigate your unique challenges, and ultimately enjoy a more harmonious and fulfilling life, both personally and professionally. This membership will become a catalyst for your transformation and success in being the leader in your own adventure of life.

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We use the Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessments (SEI). Whilst there are several well-validated measures of emotional intelligence, that aim to “diagnose” levels of ability or competence, SEI is unusual in its focus on putting emotional intelligence into action.

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The Extended DISC Profile System is a model that has been developed to measure a person’s favoured behavioural style within the workplace and is based on the work of William Moulton Marston. The Extended DISC Assessment has been designed to observe and analyse behaviour and can be used as part of a self-development/leadership program.

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Our online course creation services specifically focus and align to your learning and curriculum needs. As someone who has been in the education space since 2002, working across the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary systems in a variety of positions (teacher, trainer/facilitator and curriculum developer), this space is close to my heart.

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We provide a One-on-One Coaching and Mentoring service to help support individuals get back on track, discover their courage and live their career and life whole-heartedly.

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Journaling / Journals

New to journaling? Wondering what is in it for you? In this article I share 9 reasons journaling is important.

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Want to make journaling a habit? Here are 4 steps that may be useful!

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The Slow Down and Tune In Journaling Toolkit is for people who are ready to increase their connection with their own inner wisdom, whilst focusing on their own essential needs, priorities and vision for life and developing greater self-connection and self-trust through journaling.

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“My Gratitude Journal” is a 28-Day Journal designed for you to reconnect to or continue to cultivate the habit of gratitude.

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The “My Self-Care Journal” has been created for people to reconnect with their own inner wisdom and cultivate self-care as they deepen connection with their flow of life.

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The “My Self-Trust Journal” has been created for people to come home to themselves, develop greater self-awareness and increase self-trust. It has been created for you document your life consciously and heartfully through drawing, writing and reflecting. The journal is 90 pages. 

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This “My Progress Journal” has been created for you to develop greater awareness and pay attention to the small steps you take towards living mindfully with your whole heart. It has been created for you to document your life consciously and heartfully through drawing, writing and reflecting. The journal is 96 pages and includes 28-day, 84-day and 365-day Trackers. 

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Money / Finances

You know that something isn’t right, however not sure what it is. As you continue on the hamster wheel of life, however sooner or later you start to realise that avoidance is not a great coping strategy. You start to realise that in order to live a whole-hearted life and fulfil your purpose, you need to be honest enough with yourself and face what isn’t working with your money situation.

Read more and download the free audit….

Time to reconnect to your financial numbers and create a better system to pay attention to the money in your life?

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Self-Care and Well-Being

In this post, I discuss 8 areas of self-care and a way you can identify where you are now in relation to your wholistic self-care.

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Want to find out more about mindfulness in a simple and easy format? You’re in luck!

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Time to focus on cultivating gratitude within your life? Gratitude is linked to an increase in health and happiness, so maybe it is the practice you have been searching for?

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Ready to start focusing on your self-care? The Nourishing You: Toolkit for Self-Care is for people who are ready to start focusing on their own self-care and essential needs, so they can have the energy to live the career and life they love.

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The 8-week MBSR Course uses mindfulness practice as the core to teach people how to take better care of themselves and live healthier, more adaptive lives. It has been forged from the integration of transformative Eastern mindfulness practices with contemporary Western scientific understandings of human functioning. This fusion has produced a tailored and verifiable method for treating a wide range of difficulties and enhancing performance and engagement in life and work.

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