My Gratitude Journal
New Release - My Gratitude Journal
"My Gratitude Journal" is a 28-Day Journal designed for you to reconnect to or continue to cultivate the habit of gratitude. It has been created for you to discover and identify the experiences, people and things you are grateful for within your own life and foster that sense of appreciation and express it heartfully through colouring-in, drawing, writing and reflection. The journal is 48 pages.
People who have seen the journal have suggested it would be a great gift for -
- staff arriving in to or leaving a workplace,
- someone needing to focus on developing or cultivating more gratitude in their life,
- an organisation, business or workplace to start to foster gratitude and appreciation with their team, or
- someone who wants to be more intentional and see the abundance in their life.
You can see a couple of pages below, however, please click here to see a better overview.
Cost: $29.95 + postage (for bulk orders over 10, please contact us or you can just put the quantity in the checkout and the discount will be added).
Bulk Orders...
Following are two scenarios I have been asked about -
- purchasing bulk orders for organisations and business's to work through as a team-building activity and/or gift, or
- purchasing for a shop / online store.
If this sounds like something that interests you, please contact us for bulk orders over 10 or you can just put the quantity in the checkout and the discount will be added.
Also - if you would like to have a group or organisation use the journal over 28 days, please let me know and we may be able to organise an online workshop (for added value and a way of giving back).
Jane published My Gratitude Journal on 6/1/22. Here is the first bit of feedback for the website...
For the last 28 days, I have been keeping a gratitude journal. I was sceptical about the value of doing it, but my dear friend Jane Taylor had published a journal and I trust her judgement.
It was a superb experience. I didn’t want my gratitude to be about comparing myself or my life to others. Jane’s journal prompted me with questions that were much more reflective than I’d anticipated. They brought out deep wells of gratitude from across my life.
Thanks Jane. It was lovely to chat tonight and say thank you personally.Brad
Ready to Purchase...
I have chosen to publish on demand as I am mindful of the environment.
If you would like to purchase a gratitude journal, please click on the button below.
Also - if you do not live in Australia, please make sure you click your countries button / flag, so delivery and postage is easier as per the image.
Any further questions, please contact us 🙂