About Habits for Wellbeing
Habits for Wellbeing is about you!
It is about your health, your money, your relationships, your lifestyle and stepping forward in to your ability to live in to your potential.
Habits for Wellbeing focuses on you mastering YOU and being proud fo the person YOU are.
It is not about you following me or a 3, 5 or 8 step program either. Human beings are far more complex than that!
What matters is you!
What is a change for you? What is sustainable for you? What is your unique starting point? What's going on in your world? How much time and energy do you have to put in to change? What makes you feel your best?
I am not here to teach you my own guidelines.
I am here to support you to reconnect with your own wisdom and dreams and help you to develop tools that work for you.
Though the plans may change, the approach is ongoing and happens over and over.
Habits for Wellbeing is your invitation to step out of that cycle and develop lasting change that is based on you!
Our Vision
Our Vision is to Support People to Whole-Heartedly Transform the Way They See Themselves
Our Mission
Our mission is to support people to stop abandoning themselves and to start to reconnect and engage with their courage, untangle from overthinking and take ownership of their whole life through coaching and education so they connect with their bodies wisdom, align to their own whole-hearted life and make their contribution to the world.
"(Un)Learning to Reconnect and Realign with Your Potential, so You Can Communicate Your Purpose and BE Whole-Heartedly YOU... One Habit at a Time."
What does this mean?
- Just like Aristotle said - “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
- It is important to take care of yourself first, so then you can help others (i.e. you cannot give from an empty well),
- "The art of being yourself at your best is the art of unfolding yourself into the personality you want to be. Learn to love yourself, be gentle with yourself, to forgive yourself, for only as we have the right attitude toward ourselves can we have the right attitude toward others." ~ Wilfred Peterson
- We are here to live in love not fear and the way we get there is to follow our own hearts and release what is blocking us by taking one step at a time (one habit at a time) - moment by moment...
- If we all found the courage to be our true selves, follow our dreams, shine our light and share our unique talents and gifts, the world would be different.
Our Values
Our Core Values are Courage, Curiosity and Faith/Trust. They are explained further below...
We Realise...
At Habits for Wellbeing, we've realised -
- Self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom, just like Aristotle said - “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
- Every person has unique talents, skills and strengths to offer this world and we want you to share them. However, permission to use them can only come from you!
- YOU are the expert in your own life (sometimes we just need some support to feel the barriers of what is holding us back from opening your heart).
- Every moment of every day we have choices to make (either conscious or subconscious). The choices are either based in love or fear - WE CHOOSE LOVE!
- In honouring the Yin (the feminine) and the Yang (the masculine) to live in peace and harmony.
- When we discover the courage to change from within our own mind and hearts, that change impacts families, workplaces, communities and the world.
We deeply care about people and everyone's career, life and well-being matters (mine, yours and everyone else's as well). We are all in this together, so let's support each other by being real and authentic with each other so we can let each others light shine!
How Can We Help?
Habits for Wellbeing works with people who are ready to stop abandoning their own needs and start to step forward, realign with their courage and untangle from overthinking so they can embrace their gifts and talents and create their own version of a whole-hearted life. Maybe you haven't fully seen or believed in your gifts, strengths or potential, but those around you have! However, as the days go by, you are starting to realise there is something more, something deeper, calling you and that call doesn't seem to be going away.
Maybe you are ready to -
- Get clarity on your personal and/or professional life, including what happiness means for you and start following your dreams?
- Find the courage and make the transition in to that business idea or career position you want (and remove any limiting beliefs or self-sabotaging behaviours along the way)?
- Let go of self-doubt and/or unworthiness (i.e. the lies you were told and believed) and feel confident in the 'real' or 'true' you?
- Rediscover your own values, personal power, worth and aliveness, however need some support to begin?
- Start taking better care of yourself and put your self-care and wellbeing back on your agenda?
- Love your life, honour your truth and be who you are and let go of what other people think?
- Expand in to the fullness of your heart and live a purposeful/meaningful life?
- Move from financial chaos or overwhelm to financial well-being?
- Start saying YES to yourself?
Which is where Habits for Wellbeing steps in. We can support you as you make this transition and reconnect with your courage, release the blockages and find your way back to yourself by opening your heart. Contact us if this sounds like you.
Why Choose to Work with Me?
Because I am passionate about seeing YOU lead and be your true self - step forward, realign with your courage, untangle from overthinking and align with your truth so you can live a whole-hearted career and life.
My philosophy of coaching/mentoring links in with the following quote by Lao Tzu - "A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves." The people I work with are often highly sensitive introverts, who care about being their true self, living a mindful and compassionate life, whilst making a contribution to the world (which is their gift).
To become a certified ICF coach and mentor, I trained with the LCA (Diploma in Life Coaching) and this training supported my previous Masters of Educational Studies and double degree as a Health and Physical Education Teacher. I have also received my Advanced Health and Nutrition Certificate, trained teacher in Mindful Self-Compassion and Intuitive Eating Professional Certification. I have experience in helping people across the lifespan and world through coaching and leading workshops in the areas of leadership, coaching, mindfulness meditation, emotional intelligence, nutrition coaching, mental health promotion and prevention and organisational wellbeing. You can read a longer version about Jane here.
Click here to discover the ways you can work with me.
Our Clients
Athletes (Past and Present): as a former professional tennis player, this is close to my heart. I work with athletes to support them to enhance their emotional intelligence, master their mindset, develop their self-management, intuitive eating and leadership skills and/or resilience.
Educators and Support Staff: working with teachers and support staff in primary, secondary and higher educational settings. This has included delivering leadership and core employability skills (e.g. self-management, emotional intelligence, resiliency and self-efficacy skills) for executive teams and working with teachers and support staff on how to develop leadership and resilience in their students and themselves.
Professionals: working with professionals (i.e. lawyers, bankers) to support them to make a transition in their career and life or start to look after themselves (i.e. through mindfulness, intuitive eating and self-compassion) more so they can create inner harmony.
And you: the individual.
About Jane
I am passionate about helping people change the way they see themselves by supporting them to stop abandoning themselves and begin to realign with their courage, reconnect to their inner resources and realise their voice matters. I do this through education and coaching by supporting people to untangle from overthinking and other draining habits, embracing their gifts and transition in to doing the things they love now, so they can live a life of flow and freedom.
I am a HSP, CS on Extended DISC, skilled in each area on the Emotional Intelligence assessments and passionate about supporting women reconnect to their own truth. I am the creator of a number of journals, so they can discover the truth, freedom, love and joy within their life. Rumi puts it like this - "What you seek is also seeing you." and the Lao Tzu - “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.”
For a long time, I had no idea of what I really wanted from life and I had disconnected from my feelings and body. My early career choices playing tennis were more about pleasing other people (looking for happiness on the outside) and being who I thought I was. It wasn't until my early thirties, that I really started to question life, look after myself and discover who I was on the inside and started to trust myself and align to my version of freedom, love and bliss.
My Wish for YOU
To realise that YOU, YOUR LIFE and YOUR VOICE MATTERS and live a life of NO REGRETS! I really wish for you to untangle the fear, overthinking and conditioning that is holding you back from remembering the truth of who you are -
"(Un)Learning to Reconnect and Realign with Your Potential, so You Can Communicate Your Purpose and BE Whole-Heartedly YOU... One Habit at a Time."
Daily Inspiration...
Client Feedback
"Great! Thanks. I feel positive to continue on my life journey knowing what I can work on to continue to have success in life." - School Principal
"Can see myself using all of these skills. Great leadership and facilitating a comfortable/safe space Jane." - Teacher, Brisbane
Click here to read more.
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