What Does VUCA Mean for You?

If the last few years has taught us anything, it is that the world is more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) that we may have thought. The acronym VUCA was first introduced back in 1987 by Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus as described here.


What Does VUCA Mean?

VUCA is a term used today to describe the external environment and world we are currently living in. The four elements of VUCA are – 

  • Volatility – relates to the pace at which the world is moving and changing,
  • Uncertainty – refers to a lack of predictability about how situations will unfold,
  • Complexity – relates to the interconnectedness of parts within a system with the modern world today more complex than it has been before,
  • Ambiguity – refers to the lack of clarity of different situations.


What Does VUCA Mean for You?

After reading the above, what does VUCA mean for you? Once, you know this, where do you experience VUCA in your life? For many of us, it is in a variety (if not all) of situations within our lives. From career / business to relationships to money to health and movement. So if this is the case, how can we work within this complexity?


Two Questions to Help to Work With the VUCA?

In many ways, it comes down to our relationship with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. What skills and resources can we use to work with the VUCA? Can we change or transform how we see, think, feel and act about the situation?

Maybe the following two questions could be useful –

  • how much you know about the situation?, and 
  • how much you can predict the results of your actions?


Over to You…

Did this post help you identify what VUCA means to you? If so, feel free to leave your explanation below. Also , if you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. In-joy all of your present moments today 🙂


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