The Difference Between Urgent and Important Tasks

Dwight D. Eisenhower was the 34th President of the United States and the following quote has been linked to him – “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” This quote led to the Eisenhower Decision Matrix. This week I had a situation where it helped me further clarify the difference…

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Time to Rethink Rest?

As someone who has experienced burnout, I definitely know the importance of rest and recovery. However, I am wondering why we don’t talk about it much? As a professional athlete, rest and recovery was definitely part of my plan. However, when I moved in to the space of working as a teacher and then facilitator…

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Ready to Make Some Tiny Tweaks?

At this time of the year many people are making changes in their personal and professional lives. As the quote says – “If you desired to change the world, where would you start? With yourself or others?” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn. So where would you start? For me personally, I choose myself and what I have…

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Strategies and Tactics – What’s the Difference?

Over the years I have often connected sport with life. For example – my learnings as a professional athlete and how it translated to life as well as the many things I needed to unlearn and / or change. As the tennis circuit arrived in Australia for another year, I started reflecting some more and…

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Time to Create a “Stop Doing” List?

As we transition in to the New Year, one thing I am looking at for myself is my “stop doing” list. I created this list many years ago after identifying a number of habits that were draining my energy. Today, I wanted to share with you a bit more about that list.   What is…

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Threat or Challenge? It Depends on How You See It

As the year draws to a close, I have been reflecting. Part of my process is looking at the challenges I experienced this year. However, this year I went in to a deeper place this year for the participants decided to untangle the differences between threats and challenges. Yes they both can impact our overall wholistic…

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What’s Your Power Word for 2023?

The following article has been written by Kean Buckley. I thought it may add value to you as you move forward to identifying your power word for 2023 (if you choose to of course) 🙂 2023 is the year of the present self according to his vibrational numerology creation. Kean is an intuitive mentor with a…

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