
Following is an overview of some of the free resources I have put together on Whole-Hearted Connection and BEing the CEO of Your Own Career and Life 🙂

The physical journals I have written are here (please note they have an exchange / fee attached).

Any questions, please click here.

Free Downloads

  • Habits for Wellbeing Toolkit

    Want to track your daily habit changes as well as plan your daily and weekly activities?

    Then download the free toolkit by clicking the link below or see more here.

Download Now
  • Mindfulness 101 - A Free 8-Day Introduction to Mindfulness Series

    Ready to find out more about mindfulness?

    Then download the Free 8-Day Introduction to Mindfulness Series by clicking on the link here or the link below.

Download Now

Links to Other Resources

  • Mindfulness and Compassion Videos

    Want to find some resources on mindfulness and compassion?

    Then click here to see more.

  • Mindfulness and Compassion in Education Resources

    Want to find some resources on mindfulness and compassion specifically for education?

    Then click here to see more.

  • Book Store

    Interested in finding out more about Intuitive Eating, Mindfulness, Self-Care or Self-Compassion? Click here to find out some of the books I have found useful.

  • Mindfulness and Compassion in Coaching Resources

    Interested in finding some specific resources on mindfulness and compassion in coaching? Click here to find out more.


Also, below is a link to some of the tools we use.

Any questions, please click here.

Daily Inspiration...

Client Feedback

"Great! Thanks. I feel positive to continue on my life journey knowing what I can work on to continue to have success in life." - School Principal

"Can see myself using all of these skills. Great leadership and facilitating a comfortable/safe space Jane." - Teacher, Brisbane

Click here to read more.

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