Excuses, Excuses, Excuses… Be Gone!

A few years ago (11/8/10) before I started focusing on Habits for Wellbeing, I wrote a blog post about excuses. I no longer have that page, however during the past 24-48 hours, I was reminded about the post in my meditation as something has been bugging me and it had to do with excuses (a…

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Napoleon Hill’s Keys To Success – 17 Principle’s of Personal Achievement

Andrew Carnegie (one of the richest men of all time) commissioned Napoleon Hill to research, study and interview 500 of the most successful people of their era. The book Napoleon Hill produced remains one of the best-selling books of all time – Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller, which is now revised and updated…

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20 Napoleon Hill Quotes

Napoleon Hill (October 26, 1883 – November 8, 1970) was the author of one of the best-selling books of all time – Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller, which is now revised and updated for the 21st Century. He is widely considered to be one of the most influential writers on individual achievement and…

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Is Money Really the Problem?

One of the things I have come to know as I have inquired deeply in to my own beliefs/thoughts/excuses/distortions etc is that the thing we think is the problem (i.e. money) is not necessarily the problem. The issue or problem is our beliefs or perception about the situation or thing (i.e. money). Following is a…

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Simplicity in a Complex World: Charley Johnson

As I prepare to go away for a week, I came across this video and love it, so wanted to share it. Many of you who know me (friends/family or if you have been following my journal for a while or our Facebook page), will know I live quite a simple life, however it wasn’t…

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6 Core Human Needs by Anthony Robbins

According to renowned coach and speaker Anthony Robbins, success and happiness can be found by meeting certain needs that are fundamental to human beings. Through his work with over 3 million people, Robbins’ concludes that human beings are motivated by (or can be motivated by) the desire to fulfil six core needs. These needs are…

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Abraham Maslow – Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) started his professional career as a behaviourist, however moved on to become a psychoanalyst. In 1943, in a paper titled “A Theory of Human Motivation”, he proposed the psychological theory known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. His suggested we had two different types of needs – the first four levels of the…

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