Book – Daring Greatly

During the past week, I have been reading the book Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. I don’t know what it is about this book, however it has given me a language to be able to talk more about different experiences in my life…

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Dr Brené Brown on Joy: she says “It’s Terrifying!”

Would you like more joy in your life? What if part of the process to have that joy was to practice gratitude? In this snippet from the full episode – Daring Greatly, Oprah and Dr Brené Brown are discussing one of Brené’s guideposts for Wholehearted living – “Cultivating Gratitude and Joy: Letting go of Scarcity…

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Breaking the Sugar Habit – An Inspirational Story attributed to Gandhi

One of the things I love about life is hearing inspirational stories and the following story – Breaking the Sugar Habit – is one that I have used several times in my life. I was reminded about it this morning in my meditation, so I wanted to share it. I don’t know where I heard…

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