The 5 Levels of Truth Telling

A few weeks ago, the 5 Levels of Truth Telling came back in to my world after referring to them with a client. I came across these first in Book 2 of Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, however as it turns out it was the perfect time for me to look at them again!

So, what are the 5 levels of truth telling? Glad you asked…


The 5 Levels of Truth Telling

In Book 2 of Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, the author also refers to the five levels of truth telling as “…the five-fold path to freedom” (p. 3). The five levels of truth telling are –

  1. Telling the truth to yourself about yourself.
  2. Then telling the truth to yourself about another.
  3. Then telling the truth about yourself to another,
  4. Then telling the truth about another to that other.
  5. Finally, telling the truth to everything about everything.


Wow – I love these and have been practising the first one since I went to my first silent meditation retreat in September 2008. I had forgotten about the other ones, however am now back to practising them so I can master them and create greater freedom in my life 🙂


Reflection –

After reading the 5 levels of truth telling, you may like to reflect on the following –

  • How much truth do you tell? The whole truth? The partial truth? Or the preferred truth? Is there a reason for that?


Remember – we always have a choice when it comes to telling the truth. It took a HUGE amount of courage for me to start telling the truth to myself. Some days I still struggle as I am still learning to master my feelings and listen to my body. For me I like to remember my self-compassion and also to have compassion and kindness for other people.


If you are ready to reclaim your courage and take the next step towards freedom and opening your heart, why not join our Toolkit?


Reference –

Walsch, N. (1997). Conversations With God – Book 2: An Uncommon Dialogue. London, United Kingdom: Hodder and Stoughton.

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