Basic Human Needs – Are Your Needs Being Met?

We all have basic human needs – are yours being met? As women, it is important to realise we have needs. However, quite a large number women who come to me for coaching, have not thought about their own needs before as they have been too busy looking after everyone else. Subsequently, in this post I am going to share –

  • Some background to human needs
  • What are human needs?
  • Are your needs being met?

Let’s get started…


Background to Human Needs

From my own experience of life and also in my work with clients, I have discovered that there are more human needs than the ones identified by Abraham Maslow and Anthony Robbins, so I decided to research some more. What I discovered was there were a range of human needs.


What Are Human Needs?

A human need is something that is necessary for a human being to survive and live a healthy life. They are neither good nor bad. Each individual is unique when it comes to human needs, however there are a number of basic universal human needs. The following diagram outlines them.

As indicated on the image, the above needs are just a guide and then have been collated from Abraham Maslow and Marshall Rosenberg (references are below) 🙂


Are Your Needs Being Met?

After reading the above list of needs, what did you identify? Are your basic needs being met or are there some areas that are not being met? As we begin to understand what drives our decisions and behaviours on a daily basis, we can develop awareness in to why we do the things we do (especially some of the unhelpful strategies we use and impact us physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually).

Each day we fulfil these needs – either in a constructive or resourceful way or in a destructive and unresourceful way. Once we develop greater awareness around our human needs and why we do what we do, we can then consider other ways to meet these needs in a more resourceful way and create inner peace and harmony with our lives.


Over to You…

I hope this post has given you some insight in to basic human needs and whether or not you’re needs are being met. If you have any questions or comments, please write them below.


If you are ready to reclaim your courage and take the next step towards freedom and opening your heartwhy not join our Toolkit?


References –

Maslow, A.H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-96. Retrieved from

Rosenberg, M. (2015). Nonviolent Communication – A Language for Life. California, USA: Puddle Dancer Press.

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