Category Archives: Inspirational Stories

Need some inspiration in your day? Why not have a look at these inspirational stories?

Maybe So, Maybe Not…

What I have come to realise more and more is how quickly our minds tend to judge life. I am not sure where it comes from, maybe it is from childhood, when we are given our name and then from there we continue to learn the separation of things. For me finding the gift of…

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Book – The Top Five Regrets of the Dying

Life is an amazing journey and each day I am inspired by different things. Whether they be – observing the changes in nature, conversations with friends or just sitting on my couch – life truly is a gift. I came across this book and felt compelled to share it. Many people die with regrets and…

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Patience – It Does Not Happen Overnight…

Do we live in an instantaneous society? Would we like all of the rewards yesterday? I wonder why that is? Is it due to technology, societal expectations, the media or (___________)? I came across this story about the Chinese Bamboo Tree and I could definitely relate to it as patience was not one of my…

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Letting Go!

One of the things I have realised recently is I can hold on to different aspects of life (quite – [OK very] – tightly sometimes as well). Some of these aspects include my ideas, beliefs and opinions. As I go deeper in to the reflection process I have found myself in, I can see how…

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Zen Story – “Is that so?”…

A beautiful story has come in to my awareness the past couple of ways. The story is about Zen Master Hakuin and often referred to as “Is that so?”. The Zen Master lived in a town in Japan and was held in high regard by many people for his teachings. Then one day a girl…

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The Comfort Zone

Being inside your comfort zone can be well comfortable, however is that really where you want to be? I found this story inspirational, so decided to share with you.   The Comfort Zone “I used to have a comfort zone where I knew I couldn’t fail,  The same four walls of busy work were really…

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A Tail of Happiness

I was listening to an interview by Dr Wayne Dyer on The Shift (not the actual movie, but the interview on the extra disc). In it he shared this story – A Tail of Happiness. Can you relate? There once was a little kitten chasing his tail around and around. An old wise alley cat stopped…

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