Category Archives: Intimate Relationship

Ready to start looking after your self-care? Why not have a read of these articles on growing your relationship with yourself?

Are you Taking Time Out to Reflect?

Do you take time out of your life to reflect? Yes, I realise you may be busy, however reflection is important. What I mean by reflect – is taking the time out to review a situation or activity, your week, day, month or year. It is a great tool that allows you to take notice…

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Mindfulness Books

Several people have asked me about the benefits of mindfulness as well as the research behind it. Here are some of the books I have found useful. The first book is the book that links to the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course. However, please remember that mindfulness essentially is about experiencing life, not simply understanding it…

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Are You Wanting to Improve Your Health and Happiness?

Are you feeling tired and run-down? What if some of the answer lay in being more grateful? Recent research is proving that gratitude is a key component to health. Being grateful has been linked to the following benefits – psychological – have positive emotions, are alert, energetic, enthused and attentive, physical – people exercise more, have…

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The Gift of Giving!

Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you give something to another person? It truly is one of the wonderful things about life – the ability to give to another human being. Now when I say give, I mean give! No strings attached and without expecting anything in return. I don’t know about you,…

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Patience – It Does Not Happen Overnight…

Do we live in an instantaneous society? Would we like all of the rewards yesterday? I wonder why that is? Is it due to technology, societal expectations, the media or (___________)? I came across this story about the Chinese Bamboo Tree and I could definitely relate to it as patience was not one of my…

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Groundhog Day

Have you ever felt like you are living like the movie Groundhog Day? Yes, you know – the alarm goes off, you roll over only to find it going off a few minutes later and you then realise you are going to be late for work. You quickly jump in the shower, grab some toast…

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The Philosophy of Charles Schultz

A friend of mine (Brad) sent this to me today in an e-mail. It is a timely reminder. In-joy making a difference in the world today by being yourself and showing someone you care! xx If you are ready to reclaim your courage and take the next step towards your freedom and opening your heart, why not join our Toolkit?…

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