Insights from My Vipassana Meditation Retreat

It never ceases to amaze me how many people have said to me “..oh I couldn’t do that!” when I mentioned to them I was going on a 10-day silent meditation retreat. Well maybe they couldn’t see themselves doing it at that point in their life or it is not for them or …….. But, you know what – it is all OK and if people are meant to go down that path they will.


Insights from My Vipassana Meditation Retreat

Over the past few years since I have been doing the 10-day silent meditation retreats, I have also realised the whole process intrigues people and for that reason, I have chosen to share some of my insights from my last retreat (which was number 3) after I had many people ask me about it… so here goes (and in no particular order):

  • Yes – all 3 of the retreats have been totally different and no I don’t go in with any expectations. I did have different intentions for all 3 though (with the last one being to relax).
  • As human beings we continually have access to the subconscious mind – every reaction is registered there as we constantly make judgements (quite often we don’t realise we are making these judgements). These judgements can lead to craving or aversion, or pleasant or unpleasant reactions. The key is to remain equanimous or balanced (not reacting) in all situations – as the law of nature is everything comes and everything goes. I am constantly reminded of this every day and it is not something that we can simply change overnight – it takes time (and a few other things like patience).
  • Just because it is another person’s reality does not mean it has to be yours. An example of this was when Nobel Silence lifted on the last day, a couple of people started telling me about all of the snakes that were around. As some of you know, I have a little aversion or maybe it is better calling it a fear of snakes and when I found that out, this insight hit me, as I did not see one snake!
  • There is a divine timing in everything.
  • When you are in the flow of life – things come to you with ease and grace and you get inspired. However, you have to listen to the insights you are given and your intuition. It does take work to get to that place and YOU are the only one who can do that work – no-one else (there are many kind and considerate people that are out there that can support you though).
  • If you react strongly to a situation – it probably means you have interpreted and made meaning out of a situation and possibly even judging it. Remember things just are – knowing this empowers us to remove the suffering and misery that we so often create for ourselves.


Over to You…

As I was writing these couple of insights, I wanted to remind you that these were my experiences and remind you that yours could be very different. The most important thing to remember is that you are the expert in your own life and I encourage you to find your own truth and not take my word for it!

If you would like to find out more about the meditation retreat – please go to – there are locations all around the world. Thanks for reading, Jane xx


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