Quote – “Above all, be true to yourself…

A great reminder to be true to yourself.. “Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it.” ~ Unknown Over to You… Do you agree on the quote above? Feel free to share any comments below!   If you are ready to reclaim your courage and…

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20 Wise Quotes from Confucius

Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and thinker who influenced many people. I hope you enjoy his wisdom and the following 20 quotes from Confucius – “If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and…

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How Can We Be Kind?

Being kind has been shown to increase our well-being, health and happiness. When we refer to kindness, it is important to be kind to yourself as well as to others. So, How Can We Be Kind? The following tips may be helpful to increase kindness – Be kind towards yourself – you can do this…

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Is aloneness, loneliness?

Isn’t it interesting how when you are single, people think you are lonely? Over time, I have had many people comment “I shouldn’t be single” and yes I have had similar thoughts float through my mind momentarily, however I wonder what people are meaning and do people they think I am alone? Because, if so,…

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Are You Happy to Lose?

In all our striving, chasing, busyness, competitiveness and trying to be the best in today’s world, I wonder if we are moving in the right direction. I wonder what would happen if we simplified our lives, let go of the things that are not us (or needed) and even be OK with losing? I came…

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Book – ‘I Am That’ by Sri Nisargatatta Maharaj

I am in the process of reading ‘I Am That‘ by Sri Nisargatatta Maharaj. To be honest some of it has been quite confronting in some ways (to my ego), however when I read the following quote, another ‘a-ha’ moment occurred – “Obviously, everything experienced is an experience. And in every experience there arises the…

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20 Inspirational Quotes by Sri Nisargatatta Maharaj

One person who has inspired me during the past year or so is Sri Nisargatatta Maharaj. Here are a couple of quotes from him: “It is always the false that makes you suffer, the false desires and fears, the false values and ideas, the false relationships between people. Abandon the false and you are free…

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