Inspiring Videos on the Importance of Practising Presence

For me, practising presence is a gift. And yes, I say practise, because one of my favourite sayings is, “the moment, I think I have it is the moment that I have lost it”. So, let me share what presence is and then 3 inspiring videos on the importance of practising presence.   What is…

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A Simple Overview of the Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

Growing up, I thought a period was a period. However, later on I started to investigate further, tune in to my body and realised there were the four phases of the menstrual cycle. What are they? Glad you asked! Here is a simple overview of the four phases of the menstrual cycle.   The Four Phases…

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The Why, What, Where, Who and When of Emotional Intelligence

The past few weeks, a number of people have asked me about emotional intelligence. It got me reflecting, so I have decided to put something together under the over-arching theme of the why, what, where, who and when of emotional intelligence. . Let’s get started…   Why Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence is what we use…

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What’s Your Vision for the New Year?

It is no secret, I love this time of the year, as I get to reflect on the past year and then decide on my vision and theme for the coming year. This has been my ritual between Christmas and New Year and has been for many years. As I begin to reflect on this…

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Finish Each Day…

Each day (when we are lucky) we are gifted 1440 minutes. How we invest those minutes comes down to choice. Some days I have been challenged and frustrated with my choices as I wasn’t living above the line. This is one of the reasons why I love journaling – so I can look back and reflect on…

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The Why, What, Where, Who and When of Presence

The past few weeks, a number of people have asked me about presence. It got me reflecting and so I decided to put something together under the over-arching theme of presence for the moment. Personally, I think presence is similar to flow or being in the zone, however will leave that for another day. So…

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20 Inspirational Quotes for Practising Presence

Each year, I invest time reflecting on the year – the gifts, lessons, challenges, what is calling for attention. As I was doing my reflection this year, I’m discovering more and more the gifts within this process and also how reflection continually helps me to cultivate presence. Even though I have left the presence moment many times…

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