Are You Flowing With Life or Against It?

There have been a couple of times in my life when I have felt like a caged bird. Not knowing what to do. However, wanting to have all of my ducks in a row before I took the first step. What I have now realised is that if I think I know all of the…

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The Stress Response: Fight-Flight-Freeze

The stress response is as internal protective mechanism. This mechanism tells us if we are safe or in danger. It is sometimes referred to as the three F’s or fight-flight-freeze. However, before I discuss the stress response: fight-flight-freeze, let’s have a look at stress.   What is Stress? There are many definitions of stress including…

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3 Ways We Can Betray Ourselves

You know that moment, when you see clearly? As if something within you has shone so deeply that there is no more hiding? For me, I had one of those experiences yesterday when I was having a conversation with a friend. After the conversation, the following quote came across my path and again it resonated…

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What is the Difference Between a Goal and a Task?

One thing that comes up when I am coaching clients, is the difference between a goal and a task. So, in this post I wanted to share – What is a Goal? What is a Task? What is the Difference Between a Goal and a Task? Let’s get started!   What is a Goal? The…

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Learning to Say ‘No’ With Compassion and Confidence

One of the things I have struggled to do in my life is say ‘no’. However, after burning-out a couple of times in my life (yes I know I was a slow-learner), I needed to learn to say ‘no’. As a recovering people-pleaser. I knew I also wanted to learn to say ‘no’ using an informed…

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20 Loving-Kindness Quotes

This past month, I have been reflecting alot about loving-kindness and what is means to live with loving-kindness. I came across many amazing quotes in this search and wanted to share them with you.   20 Loving-Kindness Quotes “What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?” ~ Jean Jacques Rousseau “Kindness is the…

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A Simple Overview of the Phases of the Moon

Over the past few years, I have started to become more and more aware of my energy throughout the phases of the moon. Subsequently, in this post I wanted to share a simple overview of the phases of the moon.   The Phases of the Moon The phases of the moon are as follows, starting…

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