Time to Make Journaling A Habit? Here’s How!

When I was younger, I kept a journal most days. I wrote about what was bothering me to my results and what I could improve upon on the tennis court to challenges I was having with friends and family. I still have some of those journals. Over time though, I forgot how much I enjoyed…

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20 Inspirational Quotes Relating to a Healthy Mindset

I am fan of mental health and have worked in that space across Australia for almost 7 and 1/2 years. Recently I have had a few conversations with people around having a healthy mindset. A healthy mindset accepts life will have its, challenges, ups and downs and realises that being happy all of the time…

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Has Dieting Interfered With Your Life?

When I was growing up, I remember being told many times that “I didn’t have the right body to be an athlete” as well as what I could and couldn’t eat. Until I started learning about mindfulness, I didn’t realise how these messages had been stored in my subconscious. Fortunately, over the years I have…

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Myths About Life Coaching

There are many misperceptions and myths about life coaching. Subsequently, in this article I am going to discuss 7 of the top myths about life coaching! Before I share some of the myths, let’s make sure we are on the same page about coaching.   What is Coaching? The International Coach Federation (ICF) refers to coaching as –…

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20 Quotes to Inspire You to Start to Make Peace With Food and Your Body

The past few days I have had a number of conversations about food, diets and body acceptance. These conversations inspired me to add the following 20 quotes to start to inspire you to make peace with food and your body on the journal 🙂   20 Quotes to Inspire You to Start to Make Peace…

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Ready to Reconnect to the Joy of Movement?

There is no question that moving your body and exercise is beneficial for many health issues, including managing stress to preventing chronic diseases. So why is it, so many people are not moving their bodies? Is it time to reconnect to the joy of movement?   What is Movement or Physical Activity? According to the…

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3 Great Health At Every Size (HAES®) Resources

Looking for some inspiration about Health At Every Size (HAES®)? Or wanting a different way to look at health? Either way, the following three Health At Every Size (HAES®) resources all bring something unique to the table and will support you on your adventure of discovering and understanding more about the Health At Every Size…

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