Intuitive Eating: What Kind of Eater Are You?

Since becoming a certified intuitive eating professional, the amount of conversations I have had with friends and colleagues around eating has increased considerably. Last weekend, I had another friend say to me that they are going home to finish off some food as they are going on a “cleanse”. I didn’t say too much after…

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You Deserve to Be Loved

If you are doubting yourself and whether or not you deserve to be loved, I hope the following quote can spark the truth within you. The quote has been attributed to many people, so I have left it as unknown. “You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your…

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Continuing the Shift from Body Resistance to Body Acceptance

This morning I went to the fracture clinic and it could be up to another 6 weeks until my fractured toe is healed. Needless to say, I needed to remain very present as the doctor gave me the news, so I didn’t go in to resistance. On the x-ray, I could see where the bone…

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The Power of Self-Awareness

One of the books that changed my life was The Power of Awareness by Neville. It is the book Dr. Wayne Dyer refers to in his book Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting. I didn’t consciously know much about self-awareness before I read the book. One of the quotes that impacted me in that book…

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Remembering to Return to Self-Compassion from Self-Loathing

One of the skills I continually support clients to develop is self-compassion. It is a skill I also needed support to develop. My adventure of self-compassion started a number of years ago, when I didn’t know self-compassion even existed and had a deep sense of unworthiness and self-loathing.   The Gift of Mindful Self-Compassion Before…

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My Adventure to Becoming a Trained Professional in Intuitive Eating

Yesterday, I became certified as an intuitive eating professional as you can see by the picture below. To say I am grateful for this certification, would be an understatement, so today I wanted to share some of my adventure and learnings about becoming trained in intuitive eating. As I share this, please know it is…

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Do You Use Your Love Language to Practise Self-Love?

You know self-care and self-love is important, however do you use your love language to practise self-love? If not, in this post I am going to share some ideas on how you can! Firstly though, lets start with the 5 love languages.   The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman In his book, the 5…

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