Learning to Stop Throwing the Second Arrow

Almost a week ago, I broke my toe. It happened around 2.36am on 11/8/19. After I did it, I stayed present and hobbled to the lounge room to see what I had done. It was very evident, I had broken it from the angle of. I was pretty sure what I needed to do (go…

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What is Health and What Does BEing Healthy Mean to You?

Have you ever wanted to improve your health but didn’t really know what it meant to be healthy? Well let’s have a look at what is health and then you decide what health means to you!   What is Health? There are many definitions on health, however the World Health Organisation (WHO) is the one…

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20 Quotes to Start to Inspire Body Acceptance

The past few days I have had a number of conversations about body acceptance. I imagine the conversations  have been linked to me breaking my toe a few days ago, however I also know it goes much deeper than that (and I will elaborate further on that later – here it is). These conversations inspired…

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If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me – Do You Agree?

When I was growing up, this quote “If it is to be, it is up to me” by William Johnsen was in my diary. Now, during the past few days, it has been coming through in the work I am doing with clients and also the continual work I do on myself. Do you agree…

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What is the Difference Between a Goal and an Outcome?

As I was working with a client during a coaching session this week, I was asked about difference between a goal and an outcome. Subsequently, in this post I will discuss – What is a Goal? What’s an Outcome? What is the Difference Between a Goal and an Intention? Let’s get started!   What is…

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The Intention – Outcome Matrix

You know that moment when you discover something as if for the first time? You know when it really lands and makes sense? That was me today, when I came across the Intention – Outcome Matrix. As someone who is big on accountability and taking ownership for their life, I decided to explore it more…

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Ready to Take Ownership of Your Life?

In the midst of the external chaos and pressures – the striving to do your best, the control, wearing masks of perfectionism and pleasing others – you have forgotten you are worthy. You have forgotten you are Whole. Enough. Resilient. Loveable. Brave. Capable. Creative. Courageous and have needs. Well that was my story anyway, until I decided to…

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