The Power of Empathy

Have you seen this TEDTalk “The Power of Empathy” by Helen Reiss? In the clip, Helen discuss the empathy acronym she has developed – E: eye contact and indicating “I see you” M: muscles of facial expression and reading facial emotions P: posture – conveying connection A: affect – expressing emotions and naming the feelings…

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What Would Your Note to Self Say?

This week is Valentine’s Day. As a single woman, Valentine’s Day used to challenge me as many of my friends and family were celebrating with their loved ones, so I decided to create something different. I decided that until my situation changed, Valentine’s Day is about self-care, self-love and self-healing. Subsequently, I decided to create…

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The Daily Practice That Can Change Your Life

In her commencement speech at the University of Berkeley, Sheryl Sandberg credited the following practice with changing her life, following the sudden and challenging death of her husband. As you might know, the brain is wired to have a negativity bias. Basically what that means, is as human beings we have a tendency to focus…

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Are You Being Honest With Yourself?

I have been sitting with this concept of honesty, betrayal and self-deception for a few weeks now and am ready to share some of my thoughts under the heading – are you being honest with yourself? Let’s start with self-deception…   What is Self-Deception? A number of definitions on self-deception exist, including – “the action…

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Are You Using Fear-Setting to Help You Reconnect to Your Courage?

Wow life works in mysterious ways! Yesterday I watched a TED Talk by Amanda Palmer on the Art of Asking as I was researching for a client. I shut down my computer (i.e. by closing the screen) and then went to Carols by the Beach with my sister and husband. Then this morning when I got…

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9 Ways You Could Be Giving Your Power Away (Without Knowing It)

As we move towards the end of the year, many of us invest time in reflecting on the past year and start the process of visualising and preparing for another year. Since I started completed my end-of-year review ritual in 2013, I have been identifying ways I have given my power away. Each year I have…

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The Courage to BE True to Yourself

“Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson   As we transition towards the New Year, I am starting to reflect on the year…

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