Allowing and Accepting Life – As Is!

It is just amazing how life is unravelling at the moment. I am accepting and allowing life to be as it is. I am turning within and facing what arises in the moment and not trying to change it. I am seeing life as it is, sometimes as if for the first time, however sometimes…

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Fixing Things or Trying Too Hard..

Have you ever thought life would be better only if I…..? Only if I could do (fill in the blank) things would be better; only if I could have (fill in the blank) life would be easier; only if I could try a little harder to solve this, everything would be OK? During the past few…

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A Beginner’s Mind

One of the things I have been caught up in has been thinking. Thinking about this and that, trying to get some place to make my life “better” or be more “successful”. A few years ago when I started to pay more attention to my life, I discovered I was living on automatic pilot. I began to…

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Inspirational Quotes from Women

Some inspiration from a few well-known women. Which one most resonates with you today? If you like these quotes – why not have a look at? 20 Quotes to Inspire Self-compassion 20 Inspirational Quotes by Sri Nisargatatta Maharaj 20 Wise Quotes from Confucius 20 Quotes to Inspire Forgiveness 20 Anaïs Nin Quotes to Inspire Self-discovery…

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The Miniature Earth

I have been fortunate enough to come across this video clip. A friend of mine (Andrew) posted it and I wanted to share it. We have so much to be grateful for in this amazing world of ours! After watching the clip – if you would like to identify who and what you are grateful…

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Is Your Life Like a Guest House?

Why is it that many of us fear change so much? Is it because we to feel comfortable in our lives? Are we trying to avoid discomfort? What is it? I found this poem and wanted to share as it is indicates very eloquently what is happening in my world at the moment. The Guest…

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Facing Reality One Moment at a Time…

I don’t know about you, however I have found in my life facing reality to be challenging at times. In actual fact, I have done quite a lot of things to not face reality. Everything from eating, being busy, reading, playing sport, learning, watching TV – the list could go on, however I will stop…

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