Mindfulness Articles and Links

Please find following some journal articles and links on mindfulness. As some journal articles are only available to researchers, universities and libraries, I had a look on the internet to find some that are available to the general public. I trust you enjoy the ones I found, however please note some of these articles are…

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“I Am”…

Oh my gosh… have you ever been in a situation where you have been prompted to do something? You know, when you just take a different turn whilst you are driving and then end up running in to a friend that you haven’t seen in ages? Well on February 28, 2012 I had one of…

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Mindfulness – A Healthy Alternative for Stress Management

Mindfulness is a state or practice of the awareness of the present moment. Mindfulness is described by Jon Kabat-Zinn (1994) “as paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgementally” (p.4). It entails a heightened comprehension of sensory stimuli (recognizing your thoughts, breathing, sensations and feelings in your body) and remaining “in…

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I just wanted to share with you a poem I have just written on a recent mindfulness retreat. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Finally… It was pure relief that I was not alone anymore, like I had felt so many times before.   I am grateful I have family…

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Do You Want to Know the Truth?

The Work of Byron Katie came in to my life when I was ready and open for it. It was at a time when I knew there was something deeper to what I was seeing on the surface of my mind and I was ready to know the truth. Since that time I have used…

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Are You Being Yourself?

Welcome to the first Jane’s journal on Habits for Wellbeing. This insight or learning is from two people – Dr Wayne Dyer and Abraham Maslow, however I would imagine these lessons and insights go back many years. As you can see, my question is – are you being yourself? For me – this question has…

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