20 Favourite Intentional Living Quotes
This year I decided my power word would be intentional, subsequently I have been focusing on it and (un)learning a lot. Today I wanted to share 20 of my favourite intentional living quotes. However, before I share I just wanted to share what an intention is… What is an Intention? The are many definitions…
What Are Finite and Infinite Games?
Growing up in the world of sport, I was very familiar with one type of game. However, switching in to the world of work and life, I quickly discovered there were other forces at play. Over time the world presented many ideas and one day I came across the work of Dr James P. Carse…
Do You Know Your Own Capabilities?
Do you know your own capabilities and gifts or are you a little unclear? Another way of asking that question, if I asked you your top 5 abilities, would you be able to identify them? If not, don’t worry you are not alone and in this post, we will discuss more about capabilities and an…
Recognising Mental Blocks and the Impact they Can Have on the Present
When we start to reconnect with our authentic selves and who we are on a deeper level, we often start to recognise mental blocks and the impact they can have on the present. What Are Mental Blocks? A mental block is a thought construct that is held within your subconscious mind that is not in…
5 Ways to Start Getting Unstuck
I have been having a few conversations lately about ways to get unstuck, with some people who are feeling stuck within their life. Subsequently, today I am going to discuss – What Does Stuck Mean? The Meaning of Stuck for You… What is Being Stuck Costing You? Why Is Getting Unstuck Important? 5 Ways to…
The Power Within Knowing Your Explanatory Style
The people I work with have a few things in common: they are smart, highly motivated and want to make a difference in the world. A lot of them are also stressed and are on their way to or are recovering from burnout. On the outside, they appear calm and confident. But on the inside,…
Strong Back, Soft Front
Life is challenging for many people at present. Today I wanted to share a beautiful peace of writing by Roshi Joan Halifax that is often referred to as having a strong back, soft front. Strong Back, Soft Front… In her book, Being With Dying Joan Halifax shares – “All too often our so-called strength comes…