7 Myths About Coaching
There are many misperceptions and myths about coaching. Subsequently, in this article I am going to discuss 7 of the top myths about coaching! Before I share some of the misperceptions and myths about coaching, let’s firstly make sure we are on the same page about coaching. What is Coaching? The International Coach Federation (ICF) refers to…
Choosing Progress Over Perfection
If you have been around here for a while, you will know I am a recovering perfectionist. Yes I wrote that article back in 2014 and some days I still get tripped up by that perfectionism story. And when I do, I remind myself to choose progress over perfection. Therefore in this post, I am…
Making the Most of Your Life Now
Many years ago, I came across the quote by Dr Wayne Dyer – “Don’t die with the music inside of you.” That quote really touched my heart and was part of a deeper reflection on what living a whole-heartedly connected life meant to me. The Time You Have A past client sent me through the…
Are You Are You Noticing the Changes in Your Life? If Not, Maybe it is Time to Measure or Track?
Change can be challenging (or maybe it is just me?). One thing I am doing more and more over time is measuring and tracking the changes I am making in my personal life, not just in my business / career. Subsequently, today I wanted to share – What is Measuring and Tracking? Why Measure and…
What is Distress Tolerance?
Distress tolerance is one of the keys to managing stress in a helpful way and is particularly important for those highly sensitive people (HSP’s). I have just returned from some time out. Until I went away, I hadn’t realised how much of an impact the past 6 months had taken on me. Yes I have…
3 Ways We Can Start Untangling from Self-Deception
You know that moment, when you start to see with greater clarity? As if something within you has awoken so deeply that there is no more hiding? For me, I had one of those experiences yesterday when I was having a conversation with a friend. After the conversation, the following quote came across my path…
Pay Attention To What You Are Paying Attention To
Recently I was talking with a client whom was sharing with me how little time they had to do the things they wanted to. I listened to them tell me their story. After a while, I asked them where their time was going. They couldn’t answer that question succinctly. I wasn’t surprised as it wasn’t…